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We very much enjoyed "The Today Show" this morning. Katie ("That's Katie Couric, you worm!") was following a paparazzi who was following Drew Barrymore and Keanu Reeves, and she seemed like she was having a grand time. The segment apparently was supposed to be some comment on celebrity culture, though we couldn't figure out what it could possibly be, since it's the freaking "Today" show.

Anyway, Rob points out the next segment, which was about people being eaten by sharks and/or losing limbs because of those aforementioned sharks. The highlight: A "Today" show sticker placed strategically on the severed stump of a former surfer's leg. Viral marketing on people's dead legs. We're not gonna say that's not brilliant.—WL

Feeding Frenzy []

(By the way, that art above? That's a picture of Geri, The Geriatric Patient Care Simulator. Check Geri out. Tell Geri hi. It's Friday, after all. Geri gets lonely on Friday.)