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It must be strange to be a gay Republican. It must be even stranger to be a gay Republican in Queens. (You'd have to decide whether or not you hate yourself based on which neighborhood you were in. We imagine one would just keep to Astoria.) This is probably why it's so confusing that Rep. Serphin R. Maltese of Queens is so angry that gay Republicans are taking up space on the Republican State Committee.

Maltese says that the gay Republicans — who are unnamed in the Times story, probably because they don't want their wives to find out — are too cozy with pro-gay rights Republicans like Gov. Pataki and Mayor Bloomberg. Those who support the Log Cabin kids say including them allows the party to have a "big tent image." (Hee hee.) Sen. Maltese's measure to block the gays from the committee was, of course, cock-blocked.—WL

State GOP Rebuffs State Senator [NYT]
Sen. Serphin Maltese [Official Site]