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We once watched the Teletubbies with a cute little cousin of ours and were amazed that, halfway through the show, all the Teletubbies just yell "Again!" and then they just replay the first half of the episode. This seemed like a remarkably economical way to run a television program.

Well, on Sunday, the Daily News yelled "again!" And that sound you heard about 10 p.m. last night was Post media reporter Keith Kelly licking his chops and salivating all over himself. His doozy of a scoop this morning is that Daily News editor-in-chief Michael Cooke on Sunday reused a piece he wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times almost a year ago. Kelly reports that Cooke changed only a few little details, and even referred to a PR person in the story as "his pal Sandy." This isn't Blair-esque treachery, not really, but it's certainly not the type of thing you can pull off in the middle of a perpetual tabloid war. No word from Cooke yet. You can expect us, however, around noon to just yell "again!" and then repost everything from the morning.—WL

King Of The Junket [New York Post]