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Earlier, we introduced you to today's Look Book victim subject, NYU student and secret OlsenFriend Madison Brigode. But just because Madison is created in Mary-Kate's image doesn't mean she isn't worthy of our usual dissection — if anything, Madison is all the more deserving of our attention. This week, Intern Alexis rounds up AJ Daulerio, Timothy Gunatilaka, and Ian Chillag for their for an in-depth discussion of Madison's penchant for wearing dirty clothes.

AJ Daulerio, Editor, Oddjack

Amy Larocca doesn't seem to believe that Madison is fashionably lazy, that her clothes are from the floor. Do we?

Yes. Yes, I do. Madison is a tawdry vixen most likely wearing the boxer-briefs of whomever she humped the night before, smelling like a combination of Axe body spray and Astroglide, and hiding the shame in her eyes. And look at those kneecaps? Tell me those aren't the kneecaps of a professional hoochie? Those aren't the kneecaps of a person fashionably motivated, that's for sure.

Are we secondhand embarrassed by Madison?

Nah. She might need a seasalt bath and prescription to Valtrex, but she still looks like somebody I'd take home to meet my father's fourth wife.

Pretend you are Madison and complete this analogy.
Hungry people : yellow cars :: the satiated : __________

My giant third nipple named Kiki.

If Madison read a book, what would it be?

My Old Man, by Amy Sohn

Timothy Gunatilaka, Entertainment Weekly

Amy Larocca doesn't seem to believe that Madison is fashionably lazy, that her clothes are from the floor. Do we?

Who's laying out the outfits for Madison to "find on the floor from the night before"? Are they elves? Do they cobble her $15 boots too? Is that why she's wearing two magnifying glasses? To see the elves? I wish I had nocturnal wardrobe elves. I also wish I had a pet monkey I could carry as a backpack.

Are we secondhand embarrassed by Madison?

Madison defines "secondhand embarrassment" through some anecdote in which she's frightened by a rap concert promoting Tide. Does that mean she hates black people? Or just the hygienic ones?

Pretend you are Madison and complete this analogy.
Hungry people : yellow cars :: the satiated : ____________ .

Monkey backpacks!

If Madison read a book, what would it be?

Using a 40-hour work-week as an excuse for not reading (or having any fave books) is pretty solid argumentation. That's why all doctors are illiterate.

Ian Chillag, associate producer, NPR s Fresh Air with Terry Gross

Amy Larocca doesn't seem to believe that Madison is fashionably lazy, that her clothes are from the floor. Do we?

Sure, but why is she wearing everything she found on the floor? "Okay, apparently I've left pants and a skirt on the floor—better put them both on. What's that over there? Oh, 152 bracelets. Perfect. Ready to go. My arm hurts."

Anyway, I'm inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. I read something once about a guy who went to the ER with a vase lodged in his rectum and claimed he had "slipped in the bathroom." Not likely, but possible. These kinds of random occurences—rectal vases, a chance meeting of strangers, outfits that come off the floor but look spectacular are what make life so magical.

Are we secondhand embarrassed by Madison?

Hard to tell. I'm preoccupied by the fact that I'm secondhand squatting just like her and my quadriceps are on fire. Can someone get me something awesome from a flea market to sit on? Maybe a vase?

Pretend you are Madison and complete this analogy.
Hungry people : yellow cars :: the satiated : __________

Hungry people drive yellow cars? I now better understand every cab driver
I've ever had.

Anyhow, that's a tough one. I assume Madison's not hungry herself, so I guess it comes down to WWMD? Hmmm. Well, her goggles are just right for flying a Fashion Biplane. Okay, that's my answer: Fashion Biplane.

If Madison read a book, what would it be?/i>

I'm thinking of some book about The Bridges of Some County somewhere but I forget the title.