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Would you be disturbed by 150 lactating women waiting outside your office to yell at you? We might be. Yesterday a swarm of breast-feeding women (calling themselves "lactivists") converged on ABC's studios to protest Barbara Walters' comments on "The View" that she felt uncomfortable sitting on a plane next to a breast-feeding mom. (Of all the shows for recent mothers to happen to be watching. "The View." Huh.)

Walters said she was befuddled by the protest, and said she encouraged breast-feeding. (Hey, Prince Charles did it until he was 30.) Strangely enough, on the same page of the Daily News this morning is a story about a Brooklyn woman who was shot in her home by a stray bullet while breast-feeding. The story does not finger Walters in the attack.—WL

Lactose Intolerant! [NYDN]
Bullet Hits Brooklyn Nursing Mom [NYDN]