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Well, frankly, we thought Manhattan had enough synchronized swimming already, thank you very much. As surely everyone on your TV this morning (including Angelina Jolie) has already told you, two old guys in suits we'd never heard of shot down the West Side Stadium plan yesterday. This not only means that the New York Jets will likely continue to play in (agh) New Jersey, but also that the odds that the 2012 Olympics will be here are similar to the odds that we'll see Mayor Bloomberg doing his next radio address lathered up in apple butter. (Though he did date Diana Ross, so you never know.)

In the wake of the decision, Bloomberg is expected to take a small hit in the polls, downtown development should get a kick in the pants, Paris will likely get the Olympics and those cute little abandoned West Side trains will get to keep their rent-controlled patches of mud.—WL

Olympics Take Hit As Stadium Shot Down [NYT]
Paris Praised By Olympic Committee [NYT]
Related: NYC odds of getting the 2012 Olympics are looking slim. [Oddjack]