Shortly following this morning's interview with Angelina Jolie (we hear Jolie refused to sit with Couric, thus allowing Ann Curry to steal the passive-aggressive show), some inter-host dialogue for the ages:

CURRY: Matt and Katie, back to you.

LAUER: Hm. Where did...

COURIC: I like her. I sort of think she sort of does her own thing and, you know...

LAUER: She seems smart, very smart.

COURIC: Yeah, and doesn't seem—I mean, she seems bothered by all this attention, but she seems also to be able to put it in perspective.

CURRY: I think she has very good values, and it's interesting to me that we in the media are hearing this lesson of focusing on the right things from Ang—from Angelina Jolie, an actress.

LAUER: Right.

CURRY: I think it says a lot about—I think, about our culture.

LAUER: [referring to an US Weekly Curry waved in Jolie's face] Where did you get that magazine?

CURRY: It was given to me by a producer.

A moment of silence, please, for that producer's head, which is currently rolling around the hallways of Rock Center.