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You thought Corey Feldman had hit rock bottom. "The Surreal Life" was as bad as it could get, right? Or maybe it was playing himself in "Bikini Bandits?" Or maybe it was that he didn't get called to testify at the Michael Jackson trial? But nope. Feldman has now topped himself, or bottomed himself, as the case may be.

Lindsayism "reports" that Feldman is her new neighbor. The Feldmans — he has a wife and kid, apparently — have moved into Lindsayism's "blogger-infested building." (Honestly, you can get rid of those pests easy; just go in there and ask if anybody can help you with some manual labor. They scatter right quick.) The reason for the move? Feldman is apparently starring in Fatal Attraction: The Greek Tragedy, an off-Broadway musical based on the Michael Douglas/Glenn Close film. That fact alone blows our mind a little; that he's living in a blog building makes us want to peel our face off like that guy in Poltergeist.—WL

(By the way, we think that picture looks a little like a chubby Chuck Klosterman, don't you?)

Former Lost Boy Moves Into Blogger Building [Lindsayism]

Fatal Attraction: The Musical []