Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: David Beckham, Michelle Williams, Heath Ledger, Rosie O'Donnell, Jay Z, Bo Brice, CLive Davis, Angelina Jolie and mohawk child, Calvin Klein, Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Wintour, Jack Nicholson, Marc Jacobs, Jeffrey Wright, Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gisele Bundchen, Keanu Reeves, Uma Thurman, Jim Breur, Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Spike Lee, Sandra Bernhardt, Leonard Nimoy, Woody Harrleson, Julianne Moore, Jamie Lynn Discala, Keri Russell, Fred B52 and Kate B52, Betsy Johnson, Adrock, Bill Hemmer, James Denton, Hank Azaria, Anthony Michael Hall, Isaac Mizrahi and Shaggy

Sat about 10 ft away from David Beckham today (6/1) at 1pm in the park in DUMBO. Skinnier than I expected, posed for about 10 minutes on a rock wearing his new silver shoes and a grey sweat suit. Honestly, I don't think he is anything special in terms of looks. I pray to god that he conceives a child in this neighborhood so he can name it DUMBO...

6/1 - Saw pregnant Michelle Williams in a Boerum Hill yoga class. She is much more fresh-faced and far less chubby-looking than photos of her indicate. She has several tattoos and was wearing what appeared to be a non-bling-y engagement ring.

Memorial Day I saw Heath Ledger walking down Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint. Didn't think too much about why he was in Greepoint because I was overrun with bravado thoughts that I could kick his ass...he's just a little guy.

saw Rosie O'Donnell at around 9:30 tuesday night heading towards park on 57th (i think she was coming from blt steak) holding hands with her partner, kelly. looked very butch and angry. her hair was a complete mess and see was wearing a vest. seems on the defensive.

Jay Z drew stares coming and going from Bar Pitti last night with a lovely mocha-skinned non-Beyonce companion...

Bo Bice and Clive Davis at Mr. Chow 6/1 eve. ... Bo looked like a fish out of water at the power dinner of all men.

I saw Angelina Jolie walking with her son Maddox at around noon today on Central Park South and 6th Ave towards the Park.

I had two good star sightings last night at omen restaurant in soho. Calvin Klein looking gaunt and sickly, walked in with 2 commoners and sat at a table next to me. Then, 20 minutes later, Karl Lagerfield (fan and all!) waltzed in with a large entourage of young men. Karl spotted Calvin, walked up to him and gave him the old double kiss kiss and had a little chit chat. It all happened right in front of my table. i don't usually get that star struck, but the man had his fan!

I spotted the fashionable Anna Wintour looking anything but....she was coming out of the Midtown Tennis Club on 8th ave at 7am on June 1st...She was dressed in navy blue spandex and had her tennis racquet in hand. She's really skinny and looks older in person... Even a good round of tennis couldn't wipe that scowl from her face.

This Saturday 5/28—sat 2 rows behind Jack Nicholson at the Yankee-Red Sox game. Wore a bright yellow Yankees cap, purple collared shirt, and sat with a group of about 4 other people in the front row behind home plate .This was the probably the most exciting part of the game being that The Yanks lost 17 -1.

Just finished shopping at marc jacobs down in the west village Friday afternoon. Turned the corner and saw Marc Jacobs outside smoking a cig at a coffee shop. He's really cute and as short as he is in pictures. Very nice. gave me a big smile and i said hello.

On Saturday night 5/28 I spotted a dapper yet relaxed Jeffrey Wright having a beer some friends at Moe's in Ft. Greene around closing time (3:45am-ish). He was so unassuming, I didn't know he was there until he happened into my line of vision while I was chatting with a friend.

Saw Kate Winslet this morning at the Starbucks on 9th Ave and 15th. She is gorgeous and looks great even at 9am. Had her adorable son in a stroller with her and soon a friend came in to meet her. Noticed she was unaffected by the entire store staring at her. Also got to love that British accent. I really wanted to whisper hideous kinky when I walk by her but held off as it was still early in the day. Maybe tomorrow.

Leonardo Dicaprio walking down west 11th street near his apartment (building above west restaurant) have seen he and Gisele screwing around in front of the building before. Was with a larger hispanic looking guy, either friend or hip looking bodyguard. This was Sunday May 29th. On Monday May 30th saw John C. Reilly dining in the Spotted Pig with two blondes. Looks just like he does in the movies, appeared friendly.

Yesterday AM saw Uma Thurman at a check out register at the Union Square Whole Foods. Tall, thin, as pretty as you would expect. Not lots of makeup, in jeans an olive colored jacket and navy blue t-shirt. She was talking on a cell phone and kept leaving the register and running back into the store to grab things as someone over the phone obviously kept requesting additional ingredients for something.

This isn't too exciting, but I did have a NYC sighting of Keanu Reeves and his new gal pal this past Sunday. I was eating at a restaurant on the Upper West Side (apparently, he keeps a place on CPW). I was there around 5pm, and sitting with my mom, cousin, and husband. We didn't notice him until 15 minutes into our conversation. To my embarrasement, we were talking about celebrity sightings in NYC. My mom and cousin were so excited, because they just saw Bruce Vilanch??? My husband and I starting rattling off all of the people we see in the neighborhood, when I noticed someone shooting me dirty looks. You guessed it, Keanue was not happy with our conversation. I turned bright red, and stopped talking. I immediatly whispered to everyone to SHUT UP. I then proceeded to mention that Keanue Reeves was sitting one table over with his new girlfriend, and two other friends. Since we were the only two tables that had people eating in the entire place, it became very silent in the room. We were uncomfortable for about 5-10 minutes, but then it passed. We tried to ignore that he was arm's reach away, for the next 45 minutes, and talked amongst ourselves. He did get up a few times, and my mom made eye contact with him. She smiled very sweetly, but he ignored her. He was very affectionate with his girlfriend, and held her hand throughout the meal. She is kinda cute, in a hippy way, and he looks very scruffy. As the restaurant started to fill up, he become uncomfortable. He left about an hour after we got there. I swear, when he left, the entire restaurant became silent. Once he walked out, everyone started talking about him. It was very funny.

May 31st at around noon. Jim Breuer walking down 50th st. near 7th ave, looking day-drunk and disheveled. Maybe he's been hanging out with his old buddy Dave Chappelle lately.

Alec Baldwin: Spotted on Columbus @ 83rd, just walking and cell phoning by himself while I sat having dinner with a friend at Isola. Came by again after a munchies purchase, no one recognized him, he has gained some weight, he turned up on 84 towards CPW

I just saw Tim Robbins walking down Fifth Avenue near Union Square. He's very tall, over 6'2 I'd say, and a bit grayer than I imagined he'd be, sporting some gray facial hair. He was wearing faded blue jeans.

Went to the first Yankees/Sox game on Friday, and had great seats...a few rows behind Spike Lee. He's insanely short, and his glasses are the size of my head. He kept getting up to go to the bathroom or something (he passed our seats at least 4 times). My mother (who was really enjoying the seatside beer service) started asking his son if he played baseball as we shuffled out of the stadium. He's a shortstop, if anyone cares. Spike looked terrified and pulled his son to him as if my mother was Michael Jackson brandishing an open soda can.

Whilst going 2 cupcakes over at the Magnolia Bakery, we saw Sandra Bernhardt walking with two friends and their dog eastward along Bleeker. She looked tan.

I sat next to Leonard Nimoy last night at Honumura An. He was tall, apparently vegetarian, and very quiet. His bitchy wife started doing a very mean impersonation of how quiet he was being, in fact. This is you, she said, and wiped her hand over her face and just glowered. Very weird. I felt bad for the guy.

Saw Woody Harrleson at 5th and 12th. He is a nice guy with a firm handshake and soft hands. Shooting a movie next door cinema village.

June 1: Julianne Moore walking on 14th street and 9th avenue and carrying an African Grey parrot in a travel cage... I'm not a parrot- connoisseur but my mother has one so I know that's what was. She was dressed waaaay-down but still she looked stunning...she's much shorter than I would have expected.

Spotted Jamie Lynn Discala getting a pedicure at a small salon near the United Nations Building. She is very pretty and seemed really sweet. She chatted on her phone the whole time during her pedicure.

This one is pretty unbelievable...I was standing on line to take the Fung Wah bus to Boston on Friday afternoon (the $15 bus to boston, yes the same cost as a cab ride uptown) and who do i see standing on line to slum it with the rest of us?? Kerri Russell! She was incredibly cute and casual wearing jeans and white converse sneakers (and no, her hair was not curly). She sat two rows ahead of me on the bus and canoodled with her extremely good looking boyfriend the entire ride. Most people on the bus didn t seem to notice her but it made for a very interesting bus ride for me...I never thought that I would have a star sighting on the Chinatown bus!

I saw Fred and Kate from the B52s at the Kraftwerk show last night. He was short, she was smurf-sized. It's the best sighting i've had in a long time.

Was at Lure Fishbar in Soho last night. As soon as I walked in, I saw mop headed Betsy Johnson looking crazy as ever, schmoozing with some young woman. She looked crazy. She had a purple jacket with lots of creepy leopard print. But I think she's still hip and fun.

I was enthralled with testing out the patio furniture at Soho's Smith and Hawken on Sunday when suddenly, I looked and was surprised to see AdRock and Kathleen Hannah shopping for pots. He was dressed inconspicuously and her hair was jet black and disheveled. I guess it's just another lazy Sunday afternoon shopping with the Misses, even if you are a Beastie Boy.

Village Restaurant, W. 9th St, 8 pm 6-1: Bill Hemmer, a Village regular, and Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom having dinner with friends. Both cable hosts seem unpretentious and china-doll small in comparison to their t.v. images. He looks younger than he is, seemingly naturally; she's more attractive as her more delicate offscreen self, if still appearing oversurgeryed. (Or is it just trowled-on Maybelline—in any case, can she actually be this Barbie-esque at 36?) I say this even
though I like her—she's a skeptic. And, like Bill, energetic. OK, I'm in love.

Saw James Denton in the main lobby of the Time Warner Center this evening. I might not have noticed him, had I not heard some tourists (?) say "Are you on Desperate Housewives?" He seemed very casual and polite and graciously took a picture with them. Definitely just as good looking in person as he is on TV.

Saw Hank Azaria in front of Whole Foods in Colombus Circle around 1pm on 6/1. He looked right at me as I was walking in his direction, had a pink t-shirt on and his usual lost/confused expression. Looked like a nice guy, but I instantly got that Professor Frink voice stuck in my head..

On Tuesday morning (5/31) I experienced my most surreal celeb-sighting so far. I'm at Columbus & 67th, leaving Starbucks on my way to work, when I spot a HOT young woman. Suddenly three paparazzi materialize and start snapping away. I stand there gawking for a minute, wondering why I don't recognize her, when I realize it's her male companion they're interested in—and it's fucking Anthony Michael Hall. Is there even a market for candid shots of ex-Brat Packers not carrying the seed of Kutcher? No, really, I'd like to know. At any rate, I should have yelled out "I loved you in Johnny Be Good!"

Played sidewalk chicken with Isaac Mizrahi (white pants, black shirt, good hair) last night on West 11th Street. He was going west, I was going east, and a big pile of trash bags necessitated that one of us step aside and let the other pass. He won.

Notorious party crasher Shaggy tried to crash the Central Park Conservancy's Taste of Summer event last night in Central Park but this time he tried to be legit...little did he know his crashing antics cost both him and the person to whom he was a guest to to both get booted.