Hey, remember that whole Koran-in-the-toilet thing? Us neither. Apparently, back in the day (er, a month ago), Newsweek reported that American interrogators were desecrating the Koran in order to "rattle" Muslim detainees. After the requisite rioting and pressure from the men in suits, Newsweek issued a kinda-sorta retraction (read: they knew they were right). Funny, then, that shortly after poor Newsweek's reputation gets assfucked over a barrel, the Pentagon releases a report detailing five instances of desecrating the Koran. (None of these instances included flushing the toilet, but we think "splashing with urine" is close enough.)

Delaware Senator Joe Biden has called for the closure of the Guantanamo facilities but Washington is, predictably, waving off the Pentagon report. Unless Pentagon spokesbot Lawrence DiRita considers this "credible evidence," it just ain't. Nevertheless, keep an eye out today for drunken Newsweek staffers — we hear that lunch hour sake bombs at Benihana are on Michael Isikoff. Par-tay!

Biden Says Prison At Guantanamo Bay Should Be Closed [WaPo]
Newsweek : Not So Wrong After All, But We Kinda Knew That [FishBowlNY]