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Because we always strive to bring you reports of public humiliation of New York journalists, let's check in with the Universal Orlando theme park's newest attraction, "Fear Factor Live":

Ashley came back for a second media show and redeemed herself by making it to the second stunt, where she was paired with a New York Daily News writer named Todd. While suspended from a cable and swinging across the stage, he had to throw rancid octopus and squid into a bucket Ashley was holding. Alas, he kept tossing them at the wrong time, at the bottom part of the arc, so most of them just dropped to the stage.

Who is this "embarrassing" contestant who forced his reality show veteran partner to join him in the walk of shame? It could be Todd Hollingshead, but he was last seen working for the Salt Lake Tribune writing stories like this. If that is the same Todd, it's clear that he's better at bullshitting pointless assignments than throwing invertebrates in buckets.

But I'm holding out hope that this thus-far anonymous Todd is still working in the dank, Grove-infested Daily News offices, and I point this item out primarily to encourage the Post to put up a humiliating billboard exposing Todd's shame to his coworkers. -AP

Fear Factor Live opens today in Universal Orlando [reality blurred]
Earlier: Tabloid Studies 101: The Art Of Competition Through Hysterical Advertising [Gawker]