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The West Side Stadium is like Mission Impossible 3: By the time both things happen, Tom Cruise will be dating Dakota Fanning. Nevertheless, a state court has further cleared the way for the behemoth project, the final approval of which is now facing a stalemate in Albany thanks to the opposition of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno.

The Daily News has come to the rescue, however, using inches upon inches of front page space to beg Silver and Bruno to approve the stadium, which would house the Jets and serve as a convention center. Naturally, all this talk leads to the Olympics, which the News uses as their final argument in favor of the project:

Finally, we have the Olympics. In and of themselves, the Games are not the reason to approve the stadium. Instead, winning them would be the icing on a very rich cake. The city cannot get the Games without the stadium, nor will the International Olympic Committee be satisfied with promises by Silver and Bruno to build whatever if the IOC gives the city the nod.

Yeah, a high-profile, international gathering is exactly what Manhattan needs. Maybe we should just build the stadium on top of the Freedom Tower.

Say Yes Today To Jets Stadium [NYDN]