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Last night, Hillary Clinton thrust her hands into Young Hollywood's pockets (warning: exactly as sexy as it sounds) at a fundraiser at Roland "My Next Movie Will Have A Tidal Wave So Big It Makes Mudslides On The Moon" Emmerich's place. One set of those pockets belonged to a Defamer operative, who powered through the party's multitiered security measures and relative lack of starpower to submit this brief report:

Last night's Hillary Clinton "re-election" fundraiser (coughpresidentialcampaigncough) at Roland Emmerich's house was a much better organized affair than any of last year's John Kerry funders. The beer and wine flowed freely, for those guests brave enough to cross Emmerich's mud-filled lawn to get to the bar. I lost a shoe in that Hollywood swampland. Only a few celebrities showed up to hear Clinton speak. Most remarkably, Lindsay Lohan held court on one of the terraced stairways, while Congressman Brad Sherman chatted up an attractive blonde nearby. Jennifer Tilly spent a healthy amount of time smooching her date alongside the pool. Hillary Clinton addressed the crowd for fifteen to twenty minutes, which would probably be considered generous for this discount $125-a-head fundraiser. Perhaps she was covering for the "special musical guest," advertised on the invite, who didn't show up.

Best thing overheard while schmoozing poolside: ". . . she went from The L-Word to Charmed?!?!?"

We going to assume that the overheard chatters weren't discussing Hillary—everyone knows that she's never leaving The L Word, even if she runs for the White House.