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Bad news on the human rights front: There's been a major cocaine bust in Palisades Park, New Jersey. Cruel federal agents mercilessly snatched over 900 pounds of cocaine from the quiet, suburban "stash house," estimating the drugs to be worth at least $40 million (or more, if you're buying from that dude at the bodega on 2nd Avenue).

This tragedy comes directly after another drug bust last Friday, in which New Jersey State Police ripped away 33 pounds of marching powder from a well-meaning truck driver at an I-78 weigh station. Does the long arm of the law know no mercy? Will Jersey be forever misunderstood?

There's no time to think about these weighty matters. If you're smart, you're paging your dealer right now and hiding your stash in bomb shelter.

Raid Nets 900 Lbs. Of Cocaine []
Cops Seize Drugs At Weigh Station []
NJ Billboard Calls State 'Horrible' [NYT]