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Great news today for all those sticky souls tired of trolling online adult search engines for those obscure sites featuring Farrah's Multiple Pussonalities. The internerd's main governing body is in negotiations to have pornographic websites use ".xxx" as their domain name (our perverted brother is predictably thrilled). Fine by us; we've never really liked the way we felt when typing "" Hopefully, we'll get the ".xxx" action ASAP:

Adult-oriented sites, a $12 billion industry, probably could begin buying "xxx" addresses as early as fall or winter depending on ICM's plans, ICANN spokesman Kieran Baker said.

The new pornography suffix was among 10 under consideration by the regulatory group, which also recently approved addresses ending in "jobs" and "travel."

Some other proposed suffixes to make your online life easier and more organized include:

Stage Set for '.xxx' Internet Addresses [AP]