Monday Morning Box Office: Tuesday Morning Edition

There is only one thing worse than Monday morning—the Tuesday morning following a three-day weekend. Apply the poultice of the box office numbers to your throbbing temples and know that Saturday inches ever closer.
1. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith —$70.75 million
With $270 million already in the bank, the ROTS juggernaut may finally be slowing down. If Lucas hopes to keep chasing the crazy dream of Titanic numbers, he'll have to find a new source of ticket-buyers, and tap into a segment previously not so interested in the Star Wars universe. We have the answer: ROTS rainbow parties. (Teenage girls get in for half-price!) The kids love that stuff.
2. Madagascar—$61 million
This seems like a huge take for a movie that has absolutely no appeal to anyone over the age of six. In the past, we've been willing to swing by the day care and "borrow" a tyke just to see what all the fuss is about with a kiddie movie (the lawyer still won't let us talk publicly about the SpongeBob incident), but this time? Eh. The toddlers are safe.
3. The Longest Yard—$60 million
Yes, you love Adam Sandler without reservation, but your ticket purchase is enabling Hollywood's addiction to remakes. We hope you're going to enjoy the "reimagining" of The Replacements that you're going to get two summers hence, with Dax Shepherd in the Keanu Reeves role..
4. Monster-in-Law—$11.1 million
5. Kicking & Screaming—$6.6 million
Say bye-bye to these relics of the last movie season, which will be swept aside by this weekend's crop of blockbuster hopefuls. A spot near the bottom of America's Netflix queues awaits.