Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Gwen Stefani, Donald Trump, Melania Knauss, Jon Stewart, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes, Nicolette Sheridan, P Diddy, Frances McDormand, Liev Schrieber, Naomi Watts, Matt Dillon, Nicole Kidman, Jared Leto, Sandra Oh, Evan Handler, Ivanka Trump, Wilmer Valderrama, Ashton Kutcher, Kyle MacLachlan, Alan Rickman, Benicio del Toro, Stephen Soderbergh, Mike Meyers, J.C. Chasez, Minnie Drver, Diane Neal, Fran Lebowtiz, Eric Balfour, Joshua Jackson, Michael Wolff, Alison Sweeney, Eric Stolz, Common, and Pharrell Williams.

Spotted Gwen Stefani shooting a music video at my small office building/ soundstage in Chelsea. She's tiny and beautiful in person. Was dressed in a grey sweat suit with a bandanna and baseball cap, matching her "Japanese" back-up dancers. She hung out in the lobby checking her e-mail on a Apple laptop for a while and seemed really down to earth and cool, happily talking to excited random people from the building who approached her. Although she was accompanied by the requisite humongous bodyguard.

Saturday night, 5/21, saw Donald Trump at the Apprentice Season 4 crew party at Providence on West 57th Street. He broke his personal rule giving me a solid handshake rather than just a peace sign. Wife Melania was in tow looking gorgeous in a gold and white blazer. She wasn't down with the handshake so I pinched her arm. Then I got a huge smile.

Jon Stewart in Washington Square with wife and son (5/21). Sitting on grass surrounded by eaten buffalo wings, I hope it was from them and they didn't choose to sit amongst them. Their cute little son played with my dog for a bit, all while I had no idea who he was.

Saturday I nearly tripped over Gwyneth pushing baby Apple's stroller through Union Square. She looked like how you would imagine (or see in US weekly) with aviators and all. Granted I only saw her for a split second, but there was something very sweet about the way she was less concerned with being a celeb in a big crowd, and more concerned with getting her stroller and baby down a crowded sidewalk.

Maybe it was my AM pre-coffee delirium, but I saw Katie Holmes getting off the L-train at Bedford this morning at 9:00. Her hair was under a baseball cap and she was wearing jeans, big sweatshirt and ugly sneakers — dressed down even for Williamsburg standards... incognito to the point of screaming out to be noticed.

On Friday May 20th my friend was walking into the revolving door with her shopping bags at the St. Regis Hotel while Nicolette Sheridan entered the chamber from inside the hotel and pushed the door very hard and very fast, which in turn, pushed the bags up into my friend's face and she ended up dropping them all over the floor. Some bags flew into the lobby and others remained in a chamber of the door. My friend was upset and told Nicolette she could have at least apologized. The woman replied "Don't you know who I am?" It seemed like Nicolette wanted to start a fight, so the doorman quickly escorted her into a car. Nicolette's boyfriend Niklas Soderblom was extremely embarrassed by Nicole's behavior and apologized to my friend and offered to pick up her bags for her.

Was sitting in the "owner's VIP" section of Crobar this past Sat, and who walks right on by? One Sean "P. Diddy" Combs....It was around 6:00AM and he looked completely sober, ha.

05/22, around 2pm, saw actress Frances McDormand walking up Broadway on the Upper West Side with 2 children, who I presume were hers, since the little boy had tight black Coen-esque curls. She seemed to be explaining to them why they weren't old enough to ride the subway alone yet.

Just left Cafe Angelique where everyone was pretending that it wasn't a big deal Naomi Watts was in there with Liev Schreiber. He was dancing to the Beastie Boys that was playing over the sound system and she was sipping a coffee as big as her head. She's gorgeous first thing in the morning, and really short.

Last Friday (5/20), grabbed drinks at Double Happiness. As I'm waiting to order from the bartender, I notice a bunch of drinks on the bar in front of me. I'm thinking of grabbing one of them since they seemed abandoned when Liev Schreiber, mustache and all, comes to fetch them. He's hanging out with a Naomi Watts, a few other girls....and Matt Dillon. But Matt was busy chatting up an average looking girl at the bar and looking very serious in the process. At one point, some dude came up to him to apologize for his friends (I guess they were gawking too hard or something) and Matt blew him off without saying a word. Nice.

Saw Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts (together) at a matinee of Spamalot on 5/22. Nicole has the most BEAUTIFUL and FLAWLESS skin that I have ever seen, and she is not as skinny as you would think she would be in real life. She was with Naomi Watts, who was sporting a really unflattering headscarf and she just looked kinda frumpy....but I guess any of us would look frumpy next to Nicole Kidman!

this past Saturday (5/21) on West 25th Street - Jared Leto, not so tall and with a very short buzz cut, hanging out in front of the recording studio next to friends' gallery. Walked by him several times during the afternoon — he and his "band" were taking frequent smoking breaks — and he looked my friend straight in the eyes in that "you KNOW who I am, don't you" kind of arrogant way. He didn't grill my cheese at all.

Saw the "Sideways" motorcycle helmet assaulter Sandra Oh walking along Broadway and 60th St yesterday. Couldn't miss her in her diva pink tank top and matching pink Chloe glasses. I assume she was in for some Gray's Anatomy Emmy business. Looking fierce and fabulous.

On 5/20 was eating a goat cheese sandwich and sitting looking out of the large plate glass window at Carve on 48th and 9th when Evan Handler (Harry from Sex and the City) and his unmistakable bald head walked by along 9th, going downtown. He was with a smallish woman. He walked right past where my roommate and I were sitting and stared very intently at each of us in turn as he passed. It was freaky.

Saturday night 5/22 Ivanka Trump intently playing a buffalo hunting video game at Bleecker Street Bar with a gaggle of older-looking friends. She was very cute, dress-down collegiate style and had her platinum hair in a blunt haircut. Fabulous skin, obviously.

Was meeting some friends in town for upfronts at the Soho Grand late one night. Ended up in the elevator with Wilmer Valderrama, Ashton Kutcher and some friends. Apparently Wilmer had the penthouse loft which he could not stop raving about. Didn't realize how attractive he was or that he really does have an accent!

Yesterday I saw a well-dressed Kyle MacLachlan outside of Nicole Farhi on 59th St. talking to an equally well-dressed woman. (looking, btw, better in person.)

Saw Alan Rickman having lunch at Town on Monday afternoon. He looked old but hot.

Mon May 23 saw Benicio del Toro with Steven Soderbergh at the UN building posssibly checking out locations for the movie Che?

Mike Myers on Sunday 22nd may at Cafe Henri/Le Gamin in the West Village. he was wearing a nasty black hoodie, longish unkept hair and was chilling with his wife.

Saturday night (5/21), saw NSync'er JC Chavez walking in front of Rockefeller Center with a male companion. They looked very, very cozy. JC is much shorter and skinnier in person than I had expected.

Spotter a glowing Minnie Driver at Arlene s Grocery, last Friday. She was there for the concert of Second Dan, the lead singer of which, is her Australian boyfriend. After the concert the couple joined friends and fans in the bar. Just one word on the band: this guy Dan is really hot and to the great disbelief of the most a very talented singer. Dear Minnie, enjoy!

5/23 i saw Diane Neal, the red head lawyer from Law and Order SVU crossing the street on 37th st and 5th ave w/another guy. she was walking in a very self important manner in her red pants which made her butt look enormous. the rest of her outfit wasn't very flattering either. news boy cap with a black top. girlfriend needs some help in the style department.

Bar Pitti, outside under the scaffolding, 8pm: Fran Lebowitz, looking no older than she did the last time I saw her, at the Rainbow Room (seriously) ca. 1985. When not making conversational points with her cigarette, she held it, characteristically, in her right hand with the thumb of that hand attached to her temple. Weirdly, in this age of gentrified Bleecker Streets, she seems to be a refreshing bit of Old New York. Practically Henry Jamesian.

Yesterday (May 22) saw Eric Balfour of Six Feet Under fame rubbing elbows with the other hipsters at Cafe Habana in Nolita. He totally looks like the devil. He was with some unattractive, frumpy girl who dressed like a boy. They were seated in the window, facing the street. Walked by again about ten minutes later, and they had moved to an outdoor bench across the street.

Joshua Jackson was walking down 7th Ave at 39th this morning and I think more people recognized me. He is not fat, he has a tiny waist, but still shares the jowl curse with Katie Holmes.

Spotted on Monday, May 23rd. I was on 77th street, between Lex and 3rd...Michael Wolff was headed West, I was headed East. I imagined him to be a little taller in person. I'm 5'10" (sans heels) and he seemed a couple of inches shorter...hmmm. Interesting fellow...

Walking in mid-town on 5/20 when I was blinded by shiny dresses and little gold statues... realized it was the Daytime Emmy's letting out. I practically bumped into Alison Sweeney ("Sammy" from Days of Our Lives). Poor girl always looks so tubby on TV but she's actually quite cute and little in real life... just has no neck. Guess there's no plastic surgery for that, eh? She was walking with a group of girlfriends and looked like a decent good time to hang with.

Sat., 5/21, Eric Stolz @ brunch at Paris Commune- He looked better in person than I imagined (I am not into redheads), tall, kinda hunky- was with a cute girl, but was kinda checking me out (I am a guy)- at looked over at him (discreetly) at least three times, and each time he was staring right at me; just sayin'...

Saw the rapper Common at JFK on Saturday (4/21) at baggage claim. Poor dear must of had a mishap w/ his luggage as he had an assistant/manager type going back and forth to the baggage office while he talked on his cell. I wanted to console him personally but my super shuttle finally arrived, bringing an abrupt end to my gawk-fest. By the way, he is HOT (tall and very handsome in person) and in town for his album release.

Spotted: Pharrell Williams at Monday's 3:45 Ziegfeld showing of Star Wars III — in the lobby right between the consession stand and bathrooms (which were quite crowded) — having a very loud (read-everyone look at me, I'm important) conversation on his cell. Some of the phases heard: "My last three records were hot", "well you got the video dropping soon"... He was def. in an argument with someone.