I've become something of a fan of the Daily News recently, ever since I stopped being able to access the Post. It's not as fun of a train wreck, of course, but they were the only paper to report that someone tried to blow up the Post the other day, which leads me to believe that they made it up. That sounds like the kind of thing I'd do. We have an affinity, you know? So I must say I'm saddened, slightly, to receive this unsubstantiated rumor:

Though they apparently plan no public announcement, the much-touted "25hours"" full-color celebrity magazine inserted in the Sunday Daily News — the circulation-rescuing brainchild of editorial director Martin Dunn — will publish its last issue Sunday. Costing almost $150G a week to produce, it has brought in almost no advertising and no new circulation. Down she goes!

Today's other Daily News email was equally saddening, for other reasons altogether:

How can you stand living in the same city as Lloyd Grove?

A question I believe we've all asked ourselves, one time or another.