You know what I love about New York? The intense loathing.

Not the loathing New Yorkers have for each other, though that is what tends to fuel this little party, but the loathing everyone else has for New York. I mean, all of America says, "why do the French and the Arabs and lotsa other people hate America?" but the fact is, when those people think about hating "America," they're really hating New York. But what's really fun is that America hates us too:

In addition to New Life, Pastor Ted presides over the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), whose 45,000 churches and 30 million believers make up the nation s most powerful religious lobbying group
I told James about a little man I had met in the hallway at New Life who, when I said I was from New York City, said, simply, Ka-boom! I told him also about Joseph Torrez, a New Lifer I had eaten dinner with, who, when describing the evangelical gathering underway in Colorado Springs, compared it to Shaquille O Neal driving down the lane, dunking on you. Torrez had said, It s time to choose sides, a refrain I had heard over and over again during my time in Colorado Springs.

Don't worry, though. They're really great guys once you get to know them — as long as they've first been coached in how to act normal by their charismatic leader:

1. If a camera is on you during a worship service, worship; don't dance, jump, etc. Secular people watching TV are touched with authentic worship, but jumping and dancing in church looks too bizarre for most to relate to.

More advice, including an admonition against being "spooky," after the jump.

"2. If reporters want to interview you, talk with them, but use words that make sense to them. Speak their language. Don't talk about the devil, demons, voices speaking to you, God giving you supernatural revelations, etc....

"3. Be friendly and open. For example, Barbara Walters is working on a story about heaven and will interview me and get some supporting shots from the church. She might not use any of it, but she wants to put together an interesting story. Since we believe in heaven, we are, in fact, a good source. So, if she talks with you, don't be spooky or weird. Don't switch into a glassy-eyed heavenly mode, just answer, 'Heaven is real....'

Yeah, David Brooks is right. We ought to be working together with these people. -AP

Soldiers of Christ [Harpers]
Prophetable [Westword]