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Yesterday marked the start of Fleet Week, that spring extravaganza during which Navy and Marine boys come to shore and invade the island. But before you strip off your sailor suit and head to The Monster or Lips to celebrate the arrival of fresh military men, be sure to address the important issues:

·Every year I grin all week when a hot topic in the news is Fleet Week. I wonder if anyone watching a newscast or reading a newspaper becomes aware of this event and thinks "Fleet Week? Hmmm... I'm due for an enema! I'd better stop at the drugstore and pick one up." Inquiring minds want to know if the sales of Fleet Enemas increase during Fleet Week due to the free advertising :-).

·Hmmm, ya got me a thinkin' here. NAVY DOCTORS??? FLEET WEEK???? One has to wonder....

·That is a very erotic thought getting an enema from a sexy Navy doctor.

Fleet Week Begins! [alt.spanking.reality.moderated]