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DailyCandy pauses from its usual mission of apprising the public of the best poodle-friendly boutique offering an edible pedicure while shopping for twice-worn couture to deliver its occasional "Lexicon" feature, in which the Candies pass along fake words (fauxlogisms, if we may be so bold) that no one has ever uttered:

n. Excessive pride based solely on one's hybrid car.
Mulholland jive
n. 1. A party way up in the hills. 2. The drive home following such a party.
n. The condition of being excluded from evening planning for having suggested the Sunset Boulevard staple one too many times.

Usage: Roll up a two-dollar bill, blow a line of your best powdered Drano, then silently roll each word in your mouth, pausing to note the chemical oblivion working its way through your sinuses. Don't worry, you don't have to put the words in a sentence; your powers of speech have been mercifully paralyzed.