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Returning (yet again) to the Sunday NYT's unofficial Hollywood issue...Maybe we're just seeing what we want to see, but are these twin, prone images of writers John "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" August and Gigi "Stepmom" Grazer trying to tell us something? Something like, "Gay or straight, man or woman, on a bench or in the grass, Hollywood is looming just out of the frame, turgid member in hand, ready to have its sweaty way with you."

Yeah, it's probably just us. But just in case, we'll be lying down on a bench in front of the Fox lot, waiting for our big break.

Bonus: In his profile, August claims that being gay gives him superhuman powers of observation. We want those powers! But without the having sex with dudes part, unless that also comes with the ability to see through walls.

[Photos: NYT]