Remember Dawn Eden? Overreaching copy editor, blogger, Jew for Jesus, crusader for Embryonic Rights, chaste object of George Gurley's affection?

She's apparently still employable — and what's more, she's now a bankable personality with a column at the Daily News, sure to be the breakout star of their upcoming reality show. I see her as Mary to Lloyd Grove's Murray.

And for her first column, we get... well, a blog entry. A link dump, no less. With only one little paranoid far-right digression about the YWCA poisoning our precious bodily fluids or something. I think she's been cleaned up. Sanitized for the staid Daily News readership. Even the headline is decidedly un-Dawn.

Reading it, I got choked up. How will people truly understand Dawn's struggle against the entrenched liberal elite at the Post reading this list of funny-ish links? No, something must be done. If I were to change Ms. Eden's copy, just a little bit, it would be a public service.

When strangers began stumbling across my blog while doing Web searches, I realized I had a virtual soapbox.

A blog, unchecked, can easily [result in the destruction of embryos].

Blog away, liberal assholes! -AP

Our gal in cyberspace [NYDN]
Laptops may damage male fertility [BBC]