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Fake Beyonc , you're our hero:

Gullible publicists, take note: Beware a woman claiming to be Beyonc (above) who calls your office to request free products. A bogus Beyonc nearly scored shoes from Holly Dunlap's HollyWould line this week, after personally calling Dunlap's store to rave about the heels worn by "my friend Halle Berry." The ruse almost worked until Dunlap discovered that the real Beyonc was in Dubai, not Houston, as her fake claimed. The bogus Beyonc also scheduled meetings at The Four Seasons with clueless fashion flacks but canceled at the last minute.

Dear God, who is this incredibly awesome imposter? She's perhaps the smartest person on the face of the earth. (Dunlap's shoes are expensive, and it's high time someone point out how undiscerning the swag system can truly be.) We'd love for Fake Beyonc to really be Kelly Rowland, but in a perfect world, Fake Beyonc would be a rival publicist who then planted this item in the papers. Lizzie, we're looking at you.

Booty Lover [Page Six]