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This week's Hollywood Momentum, which is quickly cementing its status as the Redbook of the segment of the industry that wears headsets and dodges blunt objects tossed by angry bosses, presents another "Screamer" worthy of knowing nods from the abused:

I ended up at a Vegas Bachlorette party where Crazy also was attending. Upon arrival she attacked girls in our room insisting we let her tape our boobs together with duck tape for maximum cleavage. Looking fabulous on our way out the door, Crazy and the maid of honor had a disagreement. (Editors note: Everyone is still sober). Before I could figure out what was happening, my boss throws a punch at this girl. Jumping on her back, I physically had to restrain Crazy from beating up this best friend of the bride.

Back in the office, she insisted that the other girl was asking to get punched in the face. Naturally, Crazy didn’t believe it when I told her anger issues were one of the reasons I quit.

While amusing, these anecdotes have potential to backfire. All over town, little (read: very little) light bulbs are going off over mid-level executive heads all over town, as they probably had never even thought to force their assistants to enhance their cleavage with duct tape. Have fun with that one, ladies! At the end of the day, tear it off quickly—it'll hurt a little less.