Sightings are sent in by readers (and, we suspect, substance-abusing publicists). Send yours to

In this edition: Quentin Tarantino, Jon Stewart, Nicole Kidman, Jodie Foster, Claire Danes, Chris Rock, Will Ferrell and the SNL posse, Alec Baldwin, Noah Wylie, David Byrne, Uma Thurman, Naomi Watts, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, Pierce Brosnan, Jessica Alba, John C. Riley, Liev Schrieber, Sean Lennon, Ellen Pompeo, Marcia Cross, Rob Corddry, Mike D, Jim J. Bullock, Tara Subkoff, Fat Joe, Molly Shannon, Julianne Moore, Selma Blair, Eric Stoltz, Jerry O'Connell, John Mayer, Ryan Adams, Black Rob, Kerri Russell, Tony Danza, Steve Schirripa, Christo and Jeanne-Claude and Charlie O'Connell.

Yesterday at about 6:00 pm I saw Quentin Tarantino on Carmine St, looking really disheveled and carrying a Kim's Video bag. At one point he made a sort of karate hand move and told the woman he was walking with to "do it in a Chinese voice... 'like waa!'" as they walked in to Do Hwa.

Daily Show host Jon Stewart with wife and baby in stroller on Sixth Avenue. One fan was so star struck that he stopped in front of oncoming traffic to gawk at Stewart and brood.

saw Nicole Kidman at Sunday's (5/15) matinee of Glengary Glenross. She was with two girlfriends, over whom she towered. No one really hassled her, and she was all smiles to anyone who recognized her.

walking down 8th avenue in chelsea my friend and i spotted Jodi Foster sans gf but she did have a cold sore. after staring at the cold sore, i realized who it was. she's petite, thin but very pretty, even with the cold sore.

Claire Danes walking on 6th Ave and 21st in front of David Z. with large bodyguard wearing a security jacket and earpiece. Looked very thin and pissed off.

Saw Chris Rock tonight at the Nine Inch Nails show at Hammerstein Ballroom. He was rockin' out and singing along. Also saw shiny-headed former MTV VJ Matt Pinfield there, but does he count as a celebrity?

Last night, Thursday 05/12/05, was at The Other Room in the West Village when none other than the funny man himself Will Ferrell came in for a pint. He was wearing a lime-green and navy rugby shirt, cargo shorts, white socks, and black pumas, and was sporting a fro that could only compete with Kramer. Ferrell was not as tall as I imagined him to be and much thinner — must be all the soccer training for Kicking and Screaming. He was followed by Rachel Dratch, who despite being dressed in all black looked very pudgy. She was incredibly short and was seemingly still in her Debby Downer character. Horatio Sanz joined the two-some about half-an-hour later. He seemed much slimmer than he appears on TV, but it could have just been is oversized black Roots jacket and tan Capri's. The SNL reunion was complete when all four feet of Will Forte showed up looking like he raided the dressing room of the OC's Seth Cohen.

Celebrating the end of finals at Ino on Friday night, my boyfriend and I were graced with an Alec Baldwin sighting. Well, actually my bf was graced with the sight of His Portly Tannedness and nameless companion. they recieved no special treatment and left after being told of the long wait.

Sunday, 5/15. Mr. Noah Wylie with his wife and child-in-stroller, walking past Starbucks in Astor Place. Is that show still on?

Last night at the Fischerspooner show at the CanaRoom, who walks up to the VIP table next to me but David Byrne. I almost passed out. He looked great, silver hair all spiky and cool, all-black outfit, attractive brunette with him who didn't seem to have fake breasts or a fake tan. The hipsters all ignored him- not sure if that means they didn't recognize him or that they were just too fucking indie rock to acknowledge his presence. I hate hipsters.

Yesterday afternoon, May 12th, I saw Uma Thurman on the corner of Third Avenue and 18th Street. Uma was tall, thin, sans make up and absolutely luminous.

Had our booth at McGoverns (Spring between Greenwich and Houston) commandeered by Uma Thurman and cuddle buddy around 2am on Saturday night. She was very tall, (much taller than the guy with her), wearing jeans, a flowing hippie shirt, and not an ounce of makeup. Before I realized it was the real Uma: I interrupted her private cuddling with boyfriend to ask if she was sitting on my purse. She was really nice, and helped me unearth my purse from the mountain of stuff behind her. For another hour or so she danced with her boyfriend while everyone pretended not to recognize her.

Saturday night (5/14) on Hudson between Bank and W.11th, saw Naomi Watts walking down the street, alone. Until she was right next to me I thought she was just a very pretty woman who looked like Naomi Watts - I think the give-away was her self-conscious posture. She looked kind of afraid that someone would recognize her. She's shorter than I would have thought, wore a black fitted jacket and worn-looking cuffed jeans, and, while beautiful, looked kind of dumpy thanks to the baggy-ass jeans (sorry, Naomi! I love you!)

I went to see Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf this past Friday. There were quite a few celebrities in attendance, including Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara. Before the show started I headed to the men's room. On my way in to the bathroom I saw Jerry walking out and talking to a tall debonair looking man. They seemed to be having a personal conversation. The debonair gentleman was telling Jerry where he lived, etc. Right when they were walking by me, Jerry turned to the gentleman and I asked, "And what's your name?" The gentleman turned and said, "Pierce. It's Pierce." It was Pierce Brosnan (who, of course, I recognized - but apparently Jerry did not). How they started talking while in the bathroom together when Jerry had no idea who Pierce Brosnan was is beyond me.

Currently filming a movie outside of the Flatiron is Jessica Alba. She is wearing a trench coat and very high heels. They are on the fiftieth take of a scene in which she teeters past the Restoration Hardware storefront, drops her coat onto the sidewalk, and then starts to rip off her ill-fitting pink button down shirt before darting off camera. Quality filmmaking indeed.

Saw John C. Riley on Sunday afternoon. He was operating one of those remote control sailboats in Central Park. Excellent mastery of the craft. (Why does he get to be famous AND the best boat operator in the pond?) Had two real cute little boys with him and a petite, dark-haired woman.

Was standing in front of the Golden Theater on West 46th street, about five minutes before the curtain call for a matinee of Avenue Q, when I saw Liev Schrieber (who's starring in Glengarry Glenross at the theater next door) sprinting down the street. Liev, who was smashing in aviators and a Hitler mustache, looked like he was in a bit of a hurry. I hope he made it to the theater in time to perform, he must have been out of breath during the first act.

I went to an art show at the Melody Weir Gallery in Chelsea last night where I saw Sean Lennon, he looked normal and relaxed, a little scruffy. He seemed to be enjoying the art.

Stop the presses! The Olsen twins have a triplet. Ellen Pompeo was walking on Broadway and Bond this afternoon. Truly might be 75 lbs. tops-we are talking mini person here.

Saw Marcia Cross, Desperate Housewives, Sat. night at Longacre Theater/Who s Afraid of Virgnia Woolf . She was wearing a light blue cable knit sweater and black pants. Her red hair was pulled back and she was hanging with some older folks. Looked pretty crisp after a long show of watching Kathleen Turner doing the rump dance for three hours straight couldn t say the same for myself.

Saw Rob Corddry of The Daily Show at disiac on 54th & 9th last night for happy hour. He was chillin outside under one of the umbrellas with some normal looking peeps. I was gonna go up to him and start singing dunhnanananananaNAnuuuunnhhh dunhnanananananaNAnaaaahhh duhnUHN! to see if he d break into news-casting but I thought better of and had some more sangria instead.

I saw Mike D. of the Beastie Boys walking into a hotel right next door to the knitting factory around 5.00pm on Friday night. He was with a woman(wife?). He looked really old.

On Sunday after the matinee of "Little Women" I saw Jim J. Bullock at the corner for 8th and 53rd, looking very, very tan and stout. I think he was with some Broadway broad who I can't recall the name of right now. 15 minutes later I saw Madonna's baby daddy Carlos Leon jogging in Central Park. He waved to some large dude sitting on one of the park benches. Really nice ass. As you can tell, I'm gay.

Imitation of Christ designer and would-be starlet Tara Subkoff at the garage flea market in Chelsea, styling a companion who was trying out something that looked like a bed sheet fitted with armholes and a hood. Naturally, Subkoff gave it a nod of approval.

As my cousin and I were preparing to cross the street to go to club Babalu's on 44th between 8th and 9th (Fri., 5/13) she spotted a portly
fellow in the passenger seat of a nondescript blue van (think utility van) who turned out to be rapper Fat Joe. She claims he was checking her out; by the time I turned to look he was definitely staring at us but it was probably because my cousin was pointing at him.

5/13 Practically sat on top of Molly Shannon at postage-stamp Tartine on West 11th. She was lunching with a couple, and they were talking about weddings and tv shows. Molly said she didn't like the sitcom schedule and wouldn't do one. My lunch was more exciting really.

Saturday 5/15 My girlfriend and I were in the 7th Ave/8th St Citarella on late Saturday afternoon (about 5:45), and almost ran into Julianne Moore. My GF shot me a "did you see her" look and I retorted with a dismissive "yes, of course — haven't you ever seen a celebrity in New York before?" look of my own. Ms. Moore — who was dressed down in a green short-sleeve t-shirt over a long-sleeve white one, jeans, and brown kicks — did not appear quite as pretty as she did in the first half of "Boogie Nights" but looked significantly better than she did in the latter half of the film.

@ Kittichai in SoHo 5/9 I noticed Selma Blair, accompanied by her average Joe husband and equally average male friend. We paid them no mind and proceeded to do a lot of drinking and eat many Thai delicacies. Before dessert arrived (some excuse for a chocolate cake mediocre; skip it), Mr. Selma Blair approached our table and asked, What s with the flowers? (My friends had gave me many bundles of assorted flowers) I responded, It s my birthday. To which he replied, Oh. Well happy birthday. Then Selma, looking svelte in cute jeans, joined her man and nodded shyly, adding Have a great birthday. And that was it. All in all, a genuinely sweet woman. I got that from one sentence.

6:45pm saw Eric Stoltz crossing across 8^th ave at bleecker. He was wearing a green suit (?) and his red hair was in stark contrast. he was talking on his silver cell phone.

I saw Jerry O'Connell on Friday May 13th at Happy Ending in Chinatown. He was coming in as my friends and I were walking out. He looks a lot like you'd expect him to look based on his Crossing Jordan appearances. Slightly better looking. Allegedly his brother Charlie "The Bachelor" was there too but we didn't see him (nor did we really want to). Jerry held the door for us as we walked out.

John Mayer was in bicycle habitat on lafayette when who should walk in but guitar-pop-man john mayer. he was definitely taller and bigger than i expected him to be and had long floppy-ish hair. he seemed pretty nice and didn't give any weird "i'm famous" attitude towards the nice people working there. he appeared to be buying a rather nice expensive bike for his friend, which they promptly loaded into his waiting Porsche SUV. then i guess they went to his mansion in the woods or something. ah, to be young and obscenely wealthy.

Ryan Adams walking along 14th between 7th and 8th on Saturday afternoon 5/14. Looking very greasy and stoned. Also wearing unusually
short pants.

Taking a cab back to Brooklyn Friday night at about 4:30 in the morning when my crazy cab driver pulled out into an intersection right in front of a brand new silver Cadillac STS and a nasty, air-bag-poppin' accident insued. I stumbled out of the cab to see the angry driver of the Cadillac getting all up in the cab driver's face, screaming, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Black Rob! I'm Black Rob from P.Diddy's crew! You know? Black Rob!" Then he started singing some song to the confused cabbie—one can only assume it was his "hit song" or something, and repeated, "You know—Black Rob!" The cabbie was unimpressed. Then he turned and gave me his number and an invitation to a party the next night. Needless to say, I passed. Oh, and my back is fine.

Saw Keri Russell walking along Christopher Street Friday afternoon, Friday the 13th. She is tiny! She may be 5' 2" if you count her high hair, seriously big hair. Nonetheless, she looked adorable but very thin. She was wearing a trench coat, jeans and sneakers and had her hand glued to a cell phone the entire time. Stalked her for a block - no one else seemed to notice her - then got bored.

Thursday. May 12 around 8 pm I saw Tony Danza leaning up against anapartment building on 66th between Broadway and Amsterdam and practically shouting into his cell phone. He was not angry, just talkiing REALLY LOUDLY. He looked up at everyone who walked by. Skinnier than I expected, and he looked like Tony Danza but a little off - probably from the face lift.

In the lobby of 1221 6th Avenue on Friday 5/13, I spied Steve Schirripa who plays Bobby, Uncle Junior's lackey, on The Sopranos (I had to hit the website to look up his real name). He was having trouble with the security guard who, not recognizing him, refused to let him up to Sirius Satellite Radio despite the pleas of a Sirius employee who asked the eternal question that burns within all handlers: Don't you know who this is?

Christo and Jeanne-Claude ("The Gates") were at Khyber Pass in St. Marks Place on Saturday night. He was wearing his trademark glasses and kind of looks like Woody Allen; she has very, very red hair. The waitstaff seemed to recognize them, too, because we were having trouble getting the check.

Saw The Bachelor himself, Charlie O'Connell, at Hiro on Saturday night (5/14). He was with a big group of guys and acting like all kinds of cracked out, dancing on tables and doing the running man. I don't know which girl he picked, but wow, he's a winner.