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As any young woman in the big, scary city knows, we live with the constant (and mildly exciting, admit it) threat of danger. Your next ho-hum trip to Duane Reade could be your last! Maybe you've taken a self-defense class (or, like me, your parents forced you to take Krav Maga) or carry pepper spray, but wouldn't it save a lot of time if we'd all just suck it up and buy a kick-ass weapon?

Although I was too squeamish to actually buy the Raptor 500,000 [stun gun], it was tempting to imagine that there was a great equalizer between the predatory scum of the earth who raped and robbed and murdered and people like me, who just wanted to walk home from the subway without fear of being dragged into an alley and raped or murdered or both. Perhaps people like Cal were onto something, I thought. And perhaps Cal heard my thoughts in my voice as I told him I'd just go with the keychain alarm, thanks. Because when he spoke next, he lowered his voice conspiratorially.

"I have some friends in New York," he said. "They had a band, The Under Toads. You heard of 'em? They changed their name to Toad Charge. Personally, I liked their old name better. It was a play on words. They're good guys, though." He paused. "They all carry guns." His voice dropped even lower. "They can probably hook you up."

And you thought people went to Piano's for the fries.

Dead Men Can't Testify [forksplit]