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This morning we asked about a certain someone's on set bathroom breaks, and you enthusiastically—nay, desperately—responded. You even answered the Blind Item we didn't ask for! That's dedication. Funny crap from TV Land after the jump. -KEW

WHICH television series had to add a week to its production schedule because one of its stars was abusing laxatives to become increasingly skinny and needed a potty break every 20 minutes or so? . . .

You said: Overwhelmingly Desperate Housewives, with a toss up between Teri Hatcher and Eva Longoria. ("I don't think it's Hatcher because she wouldn't have anything to excrete every 20 minutes," a reader notes.) Nicole Richie, Nikki "Tits on a Stick" Cox, Paris Hilton, and Pamela Anderson got votes. The O.C. gets props,too, with Mischa Barton and Rachel Bilson fighting for the can. The most horrific suggestion: Star Jones. She has fucking a TV show?

WHICH '80s pop star whose band is enjoying a second wind cheats on his gorgeous wife? The singer beds young beauties by the bushel while on the road.

You said: Close race between Simon Lebon and John Taylor of Duran Duran. Also, a guess for some dude in Tears for Fears. We have no clue. We'll watch VH1 and get back to you.