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We recently mentioned a dorkariffic iPod game: safe, no contact, play with your friends. Pretty fucking stupid, right? Unsurprisingly, regulars on the L Train have been engaging in this kind jackassery for months. Trace Crutchfield recounts his humiliation:

Uh-oh, I thought. This can t be good. She brazenly yanked out her iPod and shoved it in my face. I flinched

I suddenly got it. She showed me hers. Now she wanted to see mine.
My iPod was set on shuffle... As I reached to show her, it hit me: the Pet Shop Boys were clearly swooning away in the background. Jesus Christ. Mortified, I held up my iPod for her inspection and looked away, feeling defeated. She simply turned and skipped down the ramp as my face reddened in electronic solitude.

Ah, iPod envy. Hint: Chicks dig the Bay City Rollers. -KEW

Ipod Wars [The Brooklyn Rail]