My personal favorite piece from the kids at The New York Review of Magazines can be found here: it's Leslie Hendrickson's Guess what: Glossies may be good for you. Working on the principle that almost anything can be spun as a positive if you simply lower the bar enough, Hendrickson praises Cosmo and its ilk for all the valuable health and lifestyle information to be found amidst the fellatio how-tos. [W]here can women go when they have questions that they're too embarrassed to ask? Not everything merits a visit to the doctor's office. Women's magazines are a good place to start. Or, I don't know, the Internet? The library? Look, I'm not saying that there aren't women who get their health information from women's magazines. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who learn how to parent from The More You Know, too. That doesn't mean I want to keep them in the gene pool. On the other hand, if the Glamour subscription is saving money on doctor visits and telling her the ten things I'm thinking about when we're in bed, there may be something to it after all. Nice job, Leslie. AB

Guess what? Glossies may be good for you. [NYRM]