In this edition: We're pretty sure it's Matt fucking Drudge, Usher, Alec Baldwin, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gisele Bundchen, Brandon Davis, Anderson Cooper, Robin WIlliams, Kevin Bacon, Jules Asner, Steven Soderbergh, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, Julianne Moore, Chloe Sevigny, Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O'Connell, Michael Imperioli, Julianna Margulies, Sophie Dahl, Joe Pantoliano, Jason Binn, Haley Lieberman, Lizzie Grubman, Jonathan Cheban, Hank Azaria, Jennifer Hall, Parker Posey, Joshua Jackson, Rodney Rothman, Howard Stern, Cam'ron, Joshua Homme, Brody Dalle, Molly Ringwald, Mary Stuar Masterson, Julie Bowen, Scott Foley, Malcolm Gladwell, Emmy Rossum, Patti Hansen, Roger Bart

saw Matt Drudge in the Saloon of the Oyster Bar approx. 5:45 - 6:00 p.m. last night or someone who looked exactly like him and wore a goofy looking fedora indoors. He was sitting with another man chatting and drinking light beer. [Ed: had similar sightings of a fedora'd Drudge drinking light beer elsewhere. We're going with it!]

Usher was on my plane this morning - the 9:30am Delta flight from ATL to LGA. He was chillin in first class as the rest of us pleebs did the walk of shame to coach.

Alec Baldwin was chatting up a middle-aged man on the divan at the top of the stairway at the Players Club on the south side of Gramercy Park Wednesday evening around 7:30. His face was an odd orange color, and we debated whether it was the result of a wine flush or a spray-on tan. His face was about the same color as my friend s old leather shoes.

Saw Leonardo Dicaprio and Gisele in Virgin Records in Union Square. They are both beyond gorgeous. They were both dressed very casual and left the store with an O.A.R. cd. Before people got the nerve to go up to them..

I was at JFK taking red eye to Chicago last Friday - saw Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen accompanied by a short middle-aged woman (40s) coming out of the VIP lounge area.

Brandon Davis (Misha s on/off BF) smoking a cig while crossing Park Ave at 62nd on Tues. (5/10) with another rich kid in a pink shirt. They were both extremely short.

I saw Anderson Cooper coming out of the elevators of my apartment building (41st and 10th Ave) on May 4 at around 1pm. Quite random as I'm pretty sure he doesn't live there. He's quite tall and very handsome. He definitely did the "I know you know who I am - please don't approach me" thing. I haven't had a chance to ask the doormen if he's around often.

Robin Williams at his (very cute) son Zak's NYU College of Arts and Science graduation at Madison Square Garden's Arena on Tuesday. The hairy man was clean-shaven and well-behaved. He sat through the entire 3-hour plus ceremony, only getting up for a short time, presumably to pee. At first, he was hounded by people asking for his autograph and wanting to shake his hand until security shooed them off. Surprisingly, he restrained himself and did not jump up on stage and grab the microphone and the spotlight.

Well. I'll be godamned if Kevin Bacon didn't just nearly bike me over on his two-wheeler, corner of 41st and 7th ("FASHION AVENUE"!). He was sporting appropriately-distressed jeans, a black leather jacket, sunglasses, movie star hair, and some wrinkles. Better get a helmet if you keep driving like that, Kev. I don't know which was scarier: almost becoming a tire tread, or watching the six degrees just disappear...

I was enjoying the day (5/11) and sipping a vodka soda at the White Horse when I notice this woman walking up Hudson. I was staring at her because she looked young-ish with a really old face. Weird, right? As she got closer, I was like, that looks like an old Jules Asner. I pried my eyes off her to see who she was with and it was Stephen Soderberg. So this old Jules Asner was, in fact, the Jules Asner. A while later Maggie Gyllenhall and Peter Sarsgaard bounded up holding hands. They were totally cute and unassuming and ended up chatting about food and restaurants with some people at another table for a bit. There was talk of Mario Batali and I lost all interest in eavesdropping.

Saw Julianne Moore talking on her cellphone at Astor Place and Broadway this morning wearing aviator sunglasses and a green army jacket. Seriously.

weds. may 11. 7 pm. 70th & 2nd ave. Chloe Sevigny. denim dress & black cardigan. unassuming denim dress, almost amish in its lack of presumption. no makeup. clutching several plump bags incl an hermes orange paper bag. pretty non-descript appearance, I dont think others even recognized her.

I was having dinner with friends at Le Zie in Chelsea and sat next to Rebecca Romijn (formerly Stamos), Jerry O'Connell and Jerry's parents enjoying a Mother's Day pasta meal last Sunday night. Rebecca is radiantly beautiful in a very natural way and I am glad to say that she looks curvy and healthy like a real woman (not scary anorexic like so many actresses). Jerry is taller than I expected and actually much better looking in person - quite a handsome couple. For double bonus points, Michael Imperioli and his parents stopped by the table on the way out (do all celebrities know each other?) and Jerry and Michael introduced all of the parents - very cute.

Saw Julianna Margulies at Bar Pitti this weekend.

Who would've thought that Julianna Margulies was a Weezer fan? Spotted her and a dude posse (hot BF—don't know his name but he looked familiar—and a few other randoms) standing on the VIP side stage in jeans and a black leather jacket.When they played "Buddy Holly," she looked at the BF, laughed and said, "I know this song!" She seems like a very normal gal. No one was bothering her and she is v. pretty. At one point Balthazar Getty walked up, reeking of weed, and said to the group, "Want to check out a few songs and then get something to eat? You guys hungry?" Sure enough, the gang took off mid-show, leaving poor Rivers and co. hanging.

My favorite sighting: "plus size" Sophie Dahl. If she's plus size, then I'm frickin Star Jones. Super tall, very good skin, big blue eyes.

Yesterday I saw actor Joe Pantoliano, the late Ralph on the Sopranos, at Fifth and 30th trying in frustration to hail a cab at 5:30. He had a yellowish wide-brim hat ( he's sensitive about the hair) on to match his fly leisure-suit look, and walked down Fifth in disgust as unavailable cabs kept flowing by.

Soho - walking up West Broadway on 5/12 and see Jason Binn shoveling in the pasta aside his wife Haley. Continually 180-ing to see incoming schmoozing possibilities. On my walk back approximately 45-minutes later, I had to laugh out loud - the butts now warming those very same seats were another couple.... The managing partners of ChebGrub PR... or is it Che Grub? Lizzie Grubman and Jonathan Cheban!!!! Perhaps this is just an awesome coincidence, but I have to assume that the maitre d' has decided this particular table shall be reserved for the desperados. Note to self: if seated at the most southwest table on the patio, ask to be moved or suffer the snickerings of staff and others in-the-know.

Imagine my luck yesterday (5/10) two in less than half a block. Walking to the train after work around the Time Warner center, first was Hank Azaria walking down 8th talking on his call phone (dude, have a pork chop you look like you need it). And then who do I see Jennifer Hall, from UNSCRIPTED. She was talking on her cell phone and caught me starring at her. She was much cuter in person.

Spotted Parker Posey in the Union Sq Wholefoods Monday at about 6pm wandering around the sushi section looking kind of lost. She didn t look like she was really buying anything. She did look great though dug the curly do she was sporting.

Joshua Jackson at NYU's Grad Alley around the south side of Washington Square Park. Was there for his sister Aisleagh, who's super cute, who's graduating this year. He was taller than expected - and much thinner - with longish hair and a scruffy face. Also cuter than expected in person, with none of Pacey's speech problems.

Last night at the Rodney Rothman early bird book signing thing at Barnes and Noble near Lincoln center, right before he starts reading from his book, Howard Stern walks in with his hottie girlfriend Beth O. I've never seen him out ever, and I live in the same neighborhood as he does. He walked right up to Rodney and starting talking to him and telling him how much he liked his book. Don't know if they've met before, didn't seem like it. It was weird. Then he and his girl hung out in back for ten minutes and left when it got too crowded. Did not yell "Baba booey" or try to get a homeless guy to rape a midget. Kind of awesome sighting. He's super tall and seems to be working on a goatee.

Yesterday afternoon on 18th and Broadway, I saw Cam'ron getting a parking ticket in his surprisingly not-pink Lamborghini. "Park in the tow-away zone, I don't care that car's throw-away, holmes." He was with other members of the Dip-set, although I'm afraid I couldn't positively ID any of them. There were several other cars/SUVs lined up behind Cam, but unfortunately his laffy-taffy Ranger Rover was not one of them.

Last night Queens of the Stone Age stud Josh Homme was in Niagara with his girlfriend Brody Dalle for the weekly Wednesday Night TV Casualty party. They stayed late, chatting with the bartender, and both seemed really into the "D-TV" (a collection of obscure punk videos mixed in with classic movie clips and live rock and new wave performances). Brody would have been hard to recognize if she weren't with her unmistakable giant redheaded rock star boyfriend.

5/11 - Molly Ringwald @ 34th & 6th. She looked springy, her hair was startlingly red and she was with a trendy dude (her young Greek lovah ?) She was on her cell calling someone collect and that made me sad. Was this what Steff meant when he said she'll always be nada ? You should have stayed with Duckie, Molly! I do love the 80's.

Saw Mary Stuart Masterson (is she still famous?) twice I think she's stalking me. My boyfriend pointed her out b/c she was singing loudly to herself on Broadway, then 2 hours later at the Pillowman, we look across the aisle, and there she is.

Saw a totally hot Julie Bowen (the chick from Ed) at Geisha House. She was with a sexy blonde and they were making jokes with the hostess about having a romantic dinner and being gay. A guy can dream...

Saw Scott Foley at Vintage on 9th Ave late on Apr 30th with a bunch of actor-types. Tall and handsome.

I saw Malcolm Gladwell upstairs at Savoy on Prince. He was at a table with 3 other intellectual looking guys. A few seats away was the Mortimer/ Davis clan, sans Tinsley. Wow Peter is cute.

today, 5/12, was standing in line in front of Emmy Rossum waiting for a table at serendipity. she kept looking around at everyone with a sort of "does anyone recognize me?" expression. she is absolutely stunning and flawless, but shorter than expected.

thurs may 12, 6:40 pm madison & 72nd in front of polo sport, Patti Hansen. goldenrod blazer & I think a yellow tee under. jeans. not as tall as i might have thought, maybe 5' 7"? anyway she looks great & seemed to have a suntan of some sort. what is she 45? she has aged fantastically, looks like total clean liver. yapping into cellphone, that was slightly unattractive but so common now. still its unbecoming when one is yakking away walking down street. great hair much darker than Id expect almost a golden brown, but very well styled & full, much darker than her modelling blonde. very very attractive woman.

Yesterday (5/10) saw Roger Bart, Desperate Housewife, in front of Housing Works on Columbus Ave. He was chatting away on his cell phone and looked a little bit more tan than he does on the show.