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If traditional journalism and blogging are at opposite ends of the spectrum, Greg Lindsay must truly be considered a man who goes both ways. In a mediabistro piece addressed to graduating j-school students, Lindsay advises his young charges to question everything they've learned, particularly the value of j-school itself. A wide-ranging missive of Bourdieuan (the journalist, not the math guy) analysis, Lindsay's exhortations to a group of kids whose folks are now out $30 grand ranks as one of the harshest, most unflinching looks at journalism's future and their place in it since MediaBistro editor Elizabeth Spiers told potential freelancers that if they couldn't afford the meal, they shouldn't walk past the restaurant. Whether or not these nascent journos will follow Lindsay's advice remains to be seen, but they'd be wise to do so: This is the equivalent of learning the Gospel from Jesus Himself. AB

If Your Journalism School Says It Knows What's Best For You, Check It Out [MB]