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Woodward and Bernstein. Sy Hersh. Whoever first wrote about Iran-Contra. Add to this roster of groundbreaking journalists The Daily News' Phyllis Furman, who today emerges from what was no doubt months of painstaking investigation to reveal that Universal Pictures has a marketing plan for the film King Kong. In what is proudly billed as a DAILY NEWS EXCLUSIVE, Furman uncovers the shocking truth about the studio's plan to use New York as part of its promotion: 'The studio has been in discussions with appropriate organizations in New York to investigate the possibility of a premier event in New York,' a Universal spokesman told The News. But wait, what area landmarks might come into play? Furman gets the goods: One idea explored by Universal involved hanging a huge King Kong figure off the side of the Empire State Building. Unfortunately, that plan is dead for now. The sizzling expose, which does not at all read like a press release for Universal even though it plays up the studio's success at the expense of parent company NBC, is expected to cause consternation at the rival New York Post, which only seems to get exclusives on films produced by 20th Century Fox. Impacting. AB

'King Kong' redo to go ape in city [NYDN]