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Somewhere, Frank Sinatra is rolling over in his grave: The Politicker has obtained an exclusive copy of the new NYC anthem (no, it's not anything from the Geto Boys). Composed by Frank Wildhorn with creative — nay, genius — lyrics by Jack Murphy, this one is destined to find its way into your iPod's heart:

You can sail Sheepshead Bay
See a show on Broadway
Fifth Avenue
Plenty to see and doooo
New York, New York!

When it's spring, summer, fall
Baby we've got it all
New York! Any time of the year!
New York! It's all happening here!
New York! For the time of your life!

We'd get into the second verse, which has a unique "shop 'til you drop" rhyme, but we have to go tend to all that blood in our ears.

MP3 Exclusive: New NYC Song [The Politicker]