Sightings are sent in by readers and other assorted guttersnipes; send yours to

In this edition: Martha Stewart, Christian Bale, Matthew Broderick, Sarah Jessica Parker, Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Anna Wintour, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, P. Diddy, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Jorge Ramon, Damon Dash, Daniel Day-Lewis, Steven Tyler, Keri Russell, Scott Speedman, Joe Simpson, Alan Cumming, Molly Ringwald, Molly Shannon, David Eigenberg, Famke Janssen, Camryn Manheim, Lili Taylor, Sean Lennon, Selma Blair, Julia Stiles, John Hensley, Elizabeth Berkley, Gaby Hoffman, Sandra Bernhardt, Chris Robinson, Padma Lakshmi, Jeffrey Tambor, John Currin, Rachel Feinstein, Constantine Maroulis, John Turturro, Star Jones, Malcolm Gladwell, Christy Turlington, Helena Christensen, Erin Wasson, Gemma Ward, Peter Hook, and Pale Male.

Saw Martha Stewart dining on shake burgers and taxi dogs at the shake shack in madison square park on sunday...and yes, i could see the large lump of her ankle "bracelet" through her baggy pants.

Saturday afternoon I was picking up a book at the Barnes & Noble 68th Street and almost fell over upon locking eyes with Batman himself. Christian Bale. Something about making eye contact with a summer-blockbuster-action-star really leaves an impression on you. He was wearing a backward cap, dirty, white, long-sleeved t-shirt, track pants and sneakers.

Saw Matthew Broderick walking up Charles Street with baby in tow.

While enjoying a cold brew at White Horse, Sarah Jessica Parker walked by carrying Gristedes bags. (Stars are just like us)

Saw Matt Damon and his girlfriend at White Horse sitting in the back at a table with friends. He was wearing a Red Sox hat.

Jodie Foster gallery-hopping on West 24th Street. She's tiny! Walking around with a blonde (girl?)friend about her age.

I saw Anna Wintour at around 4:30 get out of a car and walk quickly into her house on Sullivan Street. There were clear plastic bags of discarded boxwood trees outside, I guess props from a privately staged Lagerfeld dinner.

I know this isn't a NYC sighting, but I was in LA last week and saw Lindsay Lohan at Mr. Chow. And surprise! As usual, she didn't eat much and hit the bathroom about 150 times. She was so freakishly skinny that it was painful to look at her.

Saw Jessica Alba strutting her stuff down 23rd Street on Friday May 6th at around midnight. She was working her thing looking at everybody with the "Ya I'm Jessica Alba, back off stare." She had a entourage of about 10 ugly guys all walking on her heels. I've always thought she was hot, but her blonde hair color is awful for her complexion. She was super tall.

Just ran into P. Diddy on 5th Ave walking into the Sean Jean store. He was on his cell phone looking pretty serious. Maybe sales are slipping. He's actually a big kid...Almost as big as his two bodyguards.

Saw Beyonce and Jay-Z last night(5/9/05) at Bar Pitti. They were seated in the back and when they came outside to leave she smiled and Jay went over to Da Silvano to say hi to Denzel Washington. All the while the paparazzi, which seem to have come out of nowhere, went wild. Then the happy couple preceded to get into their Maybach, but not before Jay waved to the eaters. Once inside the car a shade expanded on Beyonce's window and they drove away. She was in a long orange flowy skirt, and her hair was straight.

I thought it was a weird coincidence that I saw Teen People's flamboyant fashion guy, Jorge Ramon, at Bar Pitti the other night, right after I saw him talking about some teen hotties on TV. Weirder still? Beyonce walked in with the Jiggaman, at which point she promptly made a bee line to Jorge's table and gave him a huge hug. The BFF-ness continued until she and her surprisingly tall man were whisked to a table in the back.

Friday - Jay Z at Marquee with a bunch of men in suits sitting in the corner banquette upstairs. They looked more boardroom than night club.

So I was walking to the Parsons Fashion Show on the Piers this afternoon [5/09], when suddenly I see this huge GMC type truck drop off 3 men. There were two huge bodyguard type guys with a smaller man in the middle. All three men were in Rocawear and the smaller guy in the middle had a white baggy shirt, big rocawear basketball shorts, and high white socks with adidas type flipflops. When I saw the yellow canary diamond earrings I knew it had to be none other than Damon Dash. And it was, except he wasn't going into the fashion show, he was going to the Spa and Club on Pier 60.

Saw Daniel Day-Lewis at Piadina in the West Village on Sunday early evening, with one child and an older woman (mother?) in tow. One young woman at our table spotted him coming through on the way to back room, told her mother (in town from Tennessee), who quickly had to head to the bathroom with another friend to gawk a bit. Mom agreed it was a great mother's day present, but daughter was the one awarded with a quick smile from the man on his way out after dinner. His beard and long hair made me question the ID, but the females at the table said "no question about it, something about the slope of his shoulder."

Saw Steven Tyler at Barney's checking out some socks with his pose' on Saturday, legs as big as my forearms and looked like
he brushed his hair with a pillow.

I was just eating lunch at Austin's Cafe (34th and Park) and who walks in but Keri Russell. She was totally adorable in person and looked beautiful. No one seemed to recognize her, or if they did, they tried not to show it (like moi). She ate a salad and "canoodled" with a cute and scruffy dark-haired guy. Seemed very happy and definitely into him.

Was at the Okkervil River/Earlimart show at Bowery Ballroom on Friday, and in walks Scott Speedman with some cute-looking blonde girl. He was dressed in typical "Ben" garb (dark hipster jacket and pants) and his hair was long and slicked back- overall he looked pretty hot. He seemed sincerely interested in watching Okkervil's set with the ladyfriend he was accompanying, but then some idiot asked him for his autograph IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOW and so he soon thereafter disappeared. Who could blame him?

Just saw Joe Simpson walking down 58th street along sixth on my way to the dentist. looks just as he does on tv—smarmy. preacher joe had his hair all gelled, diamond earring, reading his blackberry. he was walking with a rather confused and slightly trembling, tall, skinny man/boy. joe was wearing his ubiquitous waffle type white long sleeve tee, without an undershirt, so his man boobs could be seen.

Alan Cumming walks in on me while I am peeing at Le Gamin on East Fifth street, the most adorable little girl starts running back and forth in the cafe and playing hide and seek with me. As i was leaving, i saw the little girl and looked at her mom and told her she was adorable, before i realized i was talking to Molly Ringwald! her kid is so adorable. we played high five and peekaboo. after molly leaves, I ask a couple of people in the cafe if that was indeed molly ringwald and the guy at the counter says, "i don't know who molly ringwald is." !!!!!!!!!!!

Molly Shannon brunching it up with the rest of us on May 7th at Paris Commune. She had her 2 kids in tow and was super friendly to the peeps who came up and told her they loved her work.

A few hours later, on our way to the Chelsea Market, spotted Steve Miranda s boy from Sex & the City David Eigenberg. He was walking down 18th Street (just west of 8th Avenue), wearing some sort of just played basketball outfit. Quite short, accompanied by an extremely skinny but not too remarkable blonde

Saw Famke Janssen walking her dog (doesn't everyone?!) - crossing 6th avenue at king street - 5/5. She looked really good this time, wearing a flowy green dress. Also on 6th, Camryn Manheim - she's still fat.

On Saturday, I went to Northsix in Brooklyn to see Shearwater open for the Mountain Goats. After the show, who should I see at the T-shirt/CD table but indie queen Lili Taylor. We left after the show and ran into Lili and her friend again at the Bedford Avenue L stop. We all got on the L heading to Manhattan and left them at Union Square.

Monday evening 5/9 on houston and lafayette, I saw Sean Lennon walking eastward with two or three people — he was wearing a brown pin-striped suit and round eye glasses, and looked extremely scraggly with wild hair and an unkempt beard.. was not very tall.

Saw Selma Blair, sporting a bizarre spray tan, oddly hippyish outfit and anxious, slightly crazed look on her face as she smoked a cigarette for all it was worth while walking south on West Broadway.

I saw Julia Stiles at Bleecker and Thompson on Mother's Day a bit after noon. She was holding a flowerpot in one hand and a bouquet in another, and girlfriend looked like she had a rough Saturday night—she had huge bags under her eyes and was wearing no makeup to cover them up. Also, she was much shorter than I had expected.

Saw John Hensley, Famke Janssen's son on Nip Tuck, late night Friday on Orchard Street, he was very attractive and uber nice after I recognized him.

Saturday May 7...while dining at /Hell's Kitchen/ on 9th, spotted Elizabeth Berkley of Saved By the Bell fame...she looked very tan and wore way too much make up...dined by herself and made numerous phone calls and read what looked like a script...

I saw Gaby Hoffman tonight (5/8) at a screening of "Mysterious Skin" at the Film Forum... (and please, it may not be an Olsen-caliber sighting but I know there are people out there who will appreciate this—you may remember the Gabster from the early '90s (This Is My Life, Now and Then...)

Had two quasi-celebrity sightings today, 5/9. I was enjoying the warm weather at Jane on Houston when Sandra Bernhardt strolled by with another woman. Much to my surprise, she looked like any other 40ish woman that works in a business casual office out for a lunchtime walk. Her ever present snarl on TV was barely noticeable in person. About ten minutes later, Chris Robinson walked by with two other guys. Not surprisingly, he looked like a bear that just came out hibernation... his beard was out of control (seriously, he needs to prune that thing) and malnourished (does he eat?).

Around 4:30pm today, getting my toenails done at Nails Niobe. I look down to see these brown feet with brown painted nails, look up and it s PADMA LAKSHMI! She is more gorgeous in real life than she is in pictures. Rushdie scored her a gigantic engagement ring, square, vibrant, and enormous.

I saw jeffrey tambor standing outside barnes and noble in union square by himself today- he was wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses and seeemed to be trying to look inconspicuous.

Saw John Currin and his wife Rachel Feinstein on greenwich st. saturday evening. she is even more beautiful in person and was complaining about having a "sugar headache". I was hoping he would stop in his tracks and beg to paint me. no luck- he was too busy pushing their disgustingly adorable child's along in a stroller.

Saw Constantine Maroulis hanging out with John Turturro on Saturday (5/7) at 4 pm in midtown. Constantine was decked out in a leather jacket, shades and chest-out strut (natch), and Turturro looked like Turturro. They parted ways when Connie went into a bar and Turturro escorted his young female companion into an italian restaurant.

Last Thursday ( May 5) I had the privilege of being my friend's plus one at a screening of Return of the Sith and who do I see but Jabba the Hut herself, Star Jones. I saw a quick profile of her face and then she sat down but you can not mistake that nails on chalkboard voice. I said to my friend, she looks teeny tiny from behind. Her hair, from behind looked as if animals had been feasting as it had not seen a brush since on the View set that morning. I can report that Star could not have had her stomach stapled because the size of her gunt (the area below her chest to just above her vagina) was ENORMOUS! I almost burst out laughing as she gives off a completely different size when "viewed" from the front. I must also add that she was allowed to bring her camera cell phone into the theater where us mere mortals had to have ours checked. And no I actually did not see her inhale any food.

Spotted Malcolm Gladwell heading into the Equinox on Greenwich Ave last night. He may be one of the least attractive people on the planet. Will someone please save him from that hair?!?!

Saw Christy Turlington walking out of Central Park and towards (I'll just bet) the Reebock Gym. She was with a baby in a stroller, a nanny/assistant and a young girl, maybe around six, whom Christy informed that all dogs can speak.

Just saw Helena Christenson walking up Hudson Street (right above Christopher). For the record, she no longer looks like a super model. Was noticeably tan, and could blend in as any W Village aging (rich) woman.

Saw model Erin Wasson walking down broadway on monday (near spring street). she was wearing a top that was completely cut down to her navel which showed off her concave stomach and non existent chest-age. she was stunning. she was with a normalish looking guy who was holding one of those mini weenie dogs.

Saw model Gemma Ward, who is very (very!) tall, more so then in pictures, in the 8th Avenue / 14th Street subway station. Does every new model live in Williamsburg? Ask yourselves that.

I overheard Peter Hook (New Order) at the after party on thursday at Hiro Ballroom telling one of the GBH promoters how the NY crowd at the Hammerstein concert was much more laid back and tamed compared to the Chicago crowd. The Chicago crowd was mad (english lingo for crazy)...While ordering 12 suger-free Red Bulls but no alcohol before his DJ set.

On 74th and Fifth spotted Pale Male circling his newly spiffed and (legally as well as contruction-wise) supported nest. He did not cause a ruckus with any passersby; even Paula Zahn and Bruce Wasserstein maintained a respectful distance. Then again they have restraining orders.