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Yesterday's contretemps with Nikki Finke left us feeling a bit shaken up and singled out. But as it happens, Nikki is an equal-opportunity angry letter-writer. In response to her L.A. Weekly colleague Mark Cooper's criticism of her Huffington coverage, Ms. Finke responded with a ten-point pr cis establishing her credentials and questioning Cooper's ("a spineless coward," "lazy and boring," "you might want to get help.") We're not sure what to be more upset about, the fact that Ms. Finke clearly has her bonafides bit saved somewhere for instant reprisal messages (we're guessing she's got it templated in the F3 key or something), or the fact that Cooper got a much more detailed blastback than we did.

While we admit to finding the whole thing more than a little entertaining, we're going to pass along some speculation that a correspondent of ours, observing yesterday's fracas, put forth:

I've been reading a lot about her lately including her fucking remembering the Plaza thing in The Times (her M.O. now is clearly a case of a trust-funder biting the corporate hand because she hates her mom). She seems like the kind of person who gets really weird/cruel after a Chardonnay or forty. Like incorrigible. Has to be put into a cold bathtub and ignored. Then three days later you get a note on "Nikki Finke" stationery apologizing for her to remain unnamed indiscretion. Then she calls you a "cocksucker" in her next column.

We have no way of knowing whether or not any of that's true, but just in case, Nikki, it's A-L-E-X AB