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From the lofty precincts of The Sun (I know, but follow me for a minute) we descend to the urine-soaked gutter. The New York Press, the discerning homeless person's second-favorite choice of bed linens, also seems to be taking a hard line with some of its staff. According to a source at the paper, publisher (and recent Vegas migr ) Chris Rohland has canned Jim Knipfel's weekly Scent of a Woman column on the grounds that it isn't New Yorky enough. (Our source claims the real reason has something to do with a column Knipfel wrote that complained about being moved from an office to a cubicle; you can't get more New Yorky than that.) Whether you see this as a case of editorial good judgment or a fit of personal pique is unimportant; what you want to take away here is this: Chris Rohland fired a blind man. Talk about insulting your paper's major demographic. AB