Greg Gutfeld HuffPos His Way Into Your Heart

After my long (er, 24-hour) sojurn beyond the Mason-Dixon line, I returned yesterday afternoon to the cold, hard truth: UK Maxim editor Greg Gutfeld fucking owns the Huffington Post. For those of you who claim Gawker doesn't love anyone or anything, let it be known that we'd amorously dry-hump the Huffington Post so long as Gutfeld keeps kicking his internet game. To wit:
A quick question:
i'm trying to purchase a pair of new (or used) dungarees. Ideally, the leather (what else!) garment would have a very flattering neck and chest opening to allow for breezy shirtless fun. I might prefer to team it with a latex t-shirt, but that depends on the weather - or whether we're entertaining. Anything with adjustable buckle shoulder straps, centered-through zipper with "relaxed" cut legs would be a real plus.
Now this is a man who clearly understands what blogging is all about.