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Another piece of Brett Ratner's weekend, which was capped when he helped consecrate a nightclub in the new Wynn hotel in Vegas by grinding his private parts against an attractive woman as photographers snapped away, falls into place as a reader reports on the fauxteur's Friday whereabouts:

On Friday I ate at the restaurant in Fred Segal's on Melrose. Saw Brett Ratner leave with a really hot woman and another couple. Was surprised at how unoffensive the whole thing was until I see that he leaves with his group and gets into his car which is parked in the handicap spot closest to the restaurant. I didn¹t see a valet anywhere around. What a pathetic dick. That is just so lame.

Shame on Mr. Ratner if he did in fact park his car in the reserved spot. As his rather large estate in the Hollywood Hills attests, being a hacky director is obviously no handicap in Hollywood.