· European and Asian editions of The Wall Street Journal to turn tabloid. Stateside TK, too? "Headless Investor in Bottomless Market!" "Greenspan to Interest Rates: Drop Dead!" Oh, such fun. [NYT]
· After seven months of consideration, a 19-member New York Times panel presents plan to increase credibility: Fewer anonymous sources, clearer distinction between news and opinion, andwait for itfewer factual errors. After one day of consideration, our one-member panel says: Duh. [ NYT]
· At a conference in Nashville, bloggers learn "how to access and analyze government statistics." At a bar in New York, cooler bloggers point and laugh. [AP via CNN]
· The Times once again discovers Gawker Media, er, group. (It's not an empire, insists the emperor.) Groundbreaking observations: More traffic is good! Published authors flack themselves! People selling ads use crazy ad-world terminology! [NYT] JO