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The buzz in North Salem, NY (and did you ever think you'd see those words in the same sentence?) concerns the mysterious landscaping events occurring at the home of one Michael Bloomberg. What nefarious scheme might our mayor want to keep private from the prying eyes of locals and the media? A summit with Karl Rove? A secret tryst with Bernie Kerik? The launch party for Radar magazine? (As if that's going to happen.) The sharp-eyed folks at The Times have the answer: It's all in preparation for daughter Emma's upcoming nuptials. No word yet on whether famously foul-mouthed mayoral spokesman Ed Skyler will be offering a toast, but we have heard a rumor that the cake will be in the shape of a West Side stadium. Which, you know, is the only way that thing will get built. AB

Online, the Sincerest Forms of Un-Flattery (second item) [NYTimes]