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There was a fire drill at Bauer mag HQ today, except it wasn't so much a drill. There was actually a fire. But it turned out wasn't in the building itself, and thank God for that. Because we don't know how we'd get through the week without In Touch Weekly. A Gawker spy files the full report:

Okay, so at 11:45 the fire alarm goes off and everyone's like yeah-yeah-whatever, thinking that it's a false alarm. Someone yells out, "Grab your valuables!" and I'm thinking, "I've got my cigarettes." The entire staff of Bauer is making its way down the front stairs (because someone didn't think to go down the fire stairwell, and the rest of us followed like sheep). Suddenly there's dark smoke billowing outside the front entrance. At this point, I'm not above pulling a Costanza and pushing women and children out of the way so I can get out of this ho. We make it outside to the parking lot to find a car in the garage in flames. The roof was on fire and the motherfucker burned — for about 10 minutes — until the fire department put it out. Then we all caravaned to a nearby diner and expensed a two-hour lunch of banana splits, because that is what you do in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, where there are no bars.


Brad and Angelina Want a Baby! [In Touch Weekly]