· Press release promises brand-new website for The Nation today; by 5:30 p.m., nothing new shows up on site. Of course, to paraphrase Will Rogers, if they wanted to be organized, they'd be Republicans. [TheNation.com]
· PW spends 700-odd words on what not to wear at Book Expo. We'll make it easy: Cords, horn-rims, blazer, and you're golden. [Publishers Weekly]
· The New York Times starts, ever so gently, to coax some design changes into its website. Just relax, the paper tells its site, we know you'll like it. [E&P]
· NYDN EIC Michael Cooke, contrary to suggestion, does not have a shoe fetish. "Of course not," gloats the Post's Col Allan. "Now Dunleavy, there's a man with a real shoe fetish." [Chicago Reader]
· Denton's secret plans are finally revealed! He'll buy the Times Co. in 2010. Obviously. [Boston Globe] JO