NY Post Throws In The Internet Towel

It seems that Rupert Murdoch's evil vampire robot babies will starve indefinitely, as the Post has finally given up on securing our demographic blood and robot nourishment via its online registration. After two solid days of fuck-uppery from the paper (during which you may or may not have been able to jump through their flaming registration hoops in order to read about Katie Holmes' lack of foundation) Col and the gang have given up. You can now resume your regular morning routine of drooling over drivel sans registration.
We don't know about your tchotchkes, but our Rupert Murdoch statue is weeping blood right now.
Update: The registration woes aren't completely eliminated. Some pages are still requiring login information, but our "scientific tests" have concluded that if you've completed the two-day registration process, your login should actually work.
Post Can't Hack It On The Web [Lowdown]