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Indulge us for a moment, won't you, in this anniversary-inspired reverie. Longtime readers of this site might remember a time when Ugg boots were considered something of a "cutting edge" (if utterly retarded, to beat on a word we've been overusing lately) fashion, and our resulting obsession with trying to futilely beat back the fuzzy-footed fashion slaves who wore them. We'd like to remind ourselves that no matter how absurd a fad may be, eventually it will pass out of vogue and wind up amongst the hunting rifles and orange vests of a gun shop in The OC. Both figuratively and literally.

After the jump, another visual metaphor for the ephemerality of such trends, as a pair of unloved boots are left in front of the Venice post office to die of exposure like an unwanted infant on the side of a mountain in a unspecified, population-controlled nation.

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