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We were so busy hating on Brooklyn earlier in the week that we didn't read far enough into New York mag to pay attention to Kurt Andersen's big sloppy wet kiss to Bob Kerrey, who for something like 20 minutes thought about running for mayor. Kerrey's quick in-and-out earned him the label "flaky," but Kurt's kind of in love:

I count most of the attributes that are conflated into that invidious "flaky"unapologetic ambivalence, reflexive candor, independent-mindedness, a habit for giving bipartisan offense, spontaneity, playfulnessamong Kerrey s great virtues. ... Mayor (or President) Bob Kerrey would be splendid....

We're thinking Kerrey needs to reconsider his reconsidering. With Kurt, the popularest of the popular kids, behind him, he'd be Media High's pick. Which doesn't necessarily mean he'd win NYC, but it'd help. And it'd totally be a landslide if he runs for mayor of Montclair. JO

What's the Matter With Flakiness? [NY Mag]