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As if it's not already bad enough being a Time Warner employeestock closing price on Friday, January 7, 2000: 73.75; stock closing price today: 16.8; all those grants and options: worthlessnow it turns out the company has also left all its U.S. employees wide open to identity theft. Our pal John Cook has the memo from TW's "senior vice president and chief security officer" posted at Reference Tone:

The missing tapes contained company data including names and U.S. Social Security numbers of: current and former U.S.-based employees of Time Warner and its current and former affiliates (and U.S. citizens working for the company abroad); some of their dependents and beneficiaries; and certain other individuals who have provided services to the company.

"Provided services." Heh. JO

Time Warner Identities for Sale [Reference Tone]