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Michael Wolff couldn't take his ball and go home, so now he's trying to deflate it instead. Keith Kelly reports today that our old pal Wolffie takes on Adam Moss and the new New York in his upcoming Vanity Fair column:

"It's repositioned itself as a worthy satellite of the New York Times," he wrote in Vanity Fair. "It's quality. Self-conscious-quality. Ivy League quality. But it isn't funny. Not in the least. It's completely in earnest."

Come on, can't anyone give Wolff a job at a mag the chattering classes pay attention to? It must be really bad for him over at VF, if the only way can get attention is by picking on his old stomping grounds. (Someonewe don't remember whorecently pointed out that you fall "out of the conversation as a point of influence" when your website isn't free, and it must only be worse when your website barely, and only lately, exists.) He's worth hiring: Doesn't come into the office, delivers good copy, and he only costs a half-mil or so per year. JO

Wolff Howl Over New York [NYP]