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"The Family Guy Live," which we saw Friday night, was, like, the funnest, most delightfully dorktastic thing we've ever done. (And we used to go Columbia Scholastic Press Association conventions, so we know from dorkfests.) But we're depressed this morning to learn this means we have the same sense of humor as rich Jewish middle-school kids on the Upper East Side.

"It's ridiculously quotable," said Mr. Kaufman, 13, who ran afoul of his gym teacher for quoting the show so heavily. "In the seventh and eighth grade at Dalton, everyone knows it by heart. Except, of course, some of the 'out of it' kids."

If only we'd also gotten the same kind of bar mitzvah cash those kids do. JO

Canceled and Resurrected, on the Air and Onstage [NYT]