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We're Manhattanites, natch, but recently, and ashamedly, we've started thinking maybe it's time we joined all our friends on the other side of the East River. (We confess: Nice weather turns our thoughts to the Gowanus.) Thank God for Jonathan Van Meter, to slap us back to rationality in this week's New York mag.

With eyes glazed over, I had endured people extolling the virtues of Brooklyn countless timesthe party chatter about "how much better" it is and all the fun they're supposedly having, as if they all spend every Sunday together having brunch at the same "surprisingly good" restaurant. (If it has to be insisted upon constantly, it can't possibly be true.)

Of course, he's so getting beaten up next time he's on the surprisingly quick F train. (Or, at least, getting lots of dirty looks from skinny guys in iPods reading Lethem.) JO

I Hate Brooklyn [NY mag]